Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i miss all the people i love fiercely.
they're just so great i can't help it.

will it grow?

As I'm getting closer to going home (5 days!) I'm getting more and more excited about the things I've learned while I've been here. A really special conversation that I just had a couple of nights ago got me so excited for going home....her name is Johnnye and she taught me about gardening. I can't wait to start. I'm going to start small and see what happens. I'm really praying I have a green thumb! I'm so excited to be home. I think I've figured out that I'm a gardener on the inside, so hopefully I am on the outside, too.

Here are the starters: marigolds, cosmos, and zinnias, respectively...

Saturday, July 19, 2008


two of my best friends are in montana performing at a playhouse this summer. there was a relay for life event going on at a track nearby where they're working, so they made a luminary in remembrance of my father, who died of cancer sept 10, 2006. i thought it was so beautiful. don't know how great this image is going to be...it was taken with a phone. thanks kara and nathe. i really appreciated this.

Friday, July 18, 2008


well...took me a while to update. i couldn't figure out what i wanted to do, so it took a while you know?
anyway...i've only got 23 days left at the ranch and then back to the atl for a few days, and the trashy nashy for good after that.
the Lord has blessed me SO MUCH these past couple of weeks. i miss everybody so much, but it's great to be here and see what the Lord wants to do.
i'm excited to have this blog. sooo much cooler than facebook. no offense.

hey my best friend is in India right now. check out their blog and pray for them while they're there, yeah?

also. i'm stoked about the olympics. this is just a picture of the airport in beijing (i was there a year ago!!), but look at the website and see what's goin on.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


apparantly JH is where it's at right now. it's finally sunny again, and i am P-ingTL for that. workin in the front office, aka...time to get on the web log. congratulations to all my friends entering into marital bliss this summer.

holy crap....it's all started. i feel like it's a snowball effect.

i found this picture. total identity crisis, because i'm not her...yet.